
Summary of the benefits of rooftop photovoltaic power plants

Publish Time:2022-09-15 Sources:
Power generation is the direct conversion of solar energy into electrical energy, without consuming fuel, without polluting the environment, without generating noise, and without producing radiation that endangers human safety. It is a green and clean energy source. Solar energy resources are widely distributed and are inexhaustible and inexhaustible resources. Compared with traditional thermal power generation and new wind power generation and nuclear power generation, solar power generation is the most ideal sustainable renewable energy power generation technology, and its advantages are as follows:
Rooftop photovoltaic
1. Wide distribution of solar resources: inexhaustible and inexhaustible
Solar energy is the energy generated by the continuous nuclear fusion reaction process inside the sun. Although the energy radiated by the sun to the outside of the earth's atmosphere is only one 2.2 billionth of its total radiation energy (about 3.75 × 10^14tw), its radiation The amount has been as high as 1.73×10^5tw, that is, the energy projected by the sun to the earth per second is equivalent to 5.9×10^6 tons of coal. The amount of solar energy hitting the Earth is 6,000 times greater than what humans currently consume. Moreover, solar energy is widely distributed on the earth. As long as there is light, the solar power generation system can be used, and it is not limited by factors such as region and altitude.

2. Rooftop photovoltaic power station avoids the loss caused by remote power transmission
Solar energy resources are available everywhere, and can supply power nearby, without long-distance transmission, avoiding the loss of electric energy caused by long-distance transmission lines.

3. Rooftop solar power conversion process is simple
Rooftop solar power generation is a direct conversion from light energy to electrical energy, without intermediate processes (such as thermal energy conversion into mechanical energy, mechanical energy into electromagnetic energy, etc.) and mechanical movement, and there is no mechanical wear. According to thermodynamic analysis, solar power generation has a high theoretical power generation efficiency, which can reach more than 80%, and has great potential for technological development.

4. Rooftop solar power generation is clean and environmentally friendly
Rooftop solar power generation itself does not use fuel, does not emit any substances including greenhouse gases and other waste gases, does not pollute the air, does not produce noise, does not produce vibration pollution, and does not produce radiation that is harmful to human health. It will not suffer the impact of energy crisis or unstable fuel market, and it is a new type of renewable energy that is truly green and environmentally friendly.

5. Rooftop solar power generation system is stable and reliable
The life of crystalline silicon solar cells can be as long as 20 to 35 years. In the solar power generation system, as long as the design is reasonable and the selection is appropriate, the service life is long (more than 30 years).

6. Rooftop photovoltaic power station does not need special personnel on duty
The rooftop photovoltaic power station has no mechanical transmission components, and the operation and maintenance are simple, and the operation is stable and reliable. A set of solar power generation system can generate electricity as long as there are solar cell components, and the extensive use of automatic control technology realizes unattended operation and low maintenance cost.

7. Roof photovoltaic power station is easy to transport and install
The solar cell module is simple in structure, small in size, light in weight, and easy to transport and install. The solar power generation system has a short construction period, and can be large or small according to the power load capacity, which is convenient and flexible, and can be easily combined and expanded.

8. National policy support
In terms of subsidies, household photovoltaic power stations can receive a national subsidy of 0.42 yuan per kilowatt-hour of electricity for 20 years. In addition, various localities also have corresponding subsidy policies, such as Foshan subsidy of 0.15 yuan/kWh, subsidy for 3 years; Dongguan subsidy of 0.3 yuan/kWh, subsidy for 5 years. Because the rooftop photovoltaic power station does not occupy the existing land and makes full use of the idle resources of the building, it has received strong support from the national policy.

9. Investment and wealth management income
The installation of photovoltaic power station on the roof not only has the effect of heat insulation and cooling, but also can create green income, preserve the value of your roof, and at the same time play a role in green environmental protection. With the strong support of the country and the leap of the photovoltaic industry The development of photovoltaic power plants will also become standard and become a well-known financial product for the public.
As a typical example of low risk and high return, due to the support of national policies and subsidies from local governments, solar power stations have an annual income of about 15%, which is indeed a very suitable investment method for residents with roofs!

10. Benefits of rooftop solar power projects
Low: The threshold is low, as long as there is a roof, a power station can be built
Province: Save electricity bills, use electricity without spending money
Supplement: double subsidies from the state, province and city, one supplement is 20 years
Earn: Surplus electricity is connected to the Internet (full Internet access) to make money by selling electricity, with stable income for 30 years
Guarantee: One-time investment, 30 years of income
Net: green and environmental protection, reduce smog
Nurturing: both pension investments
Award: For households with a solar power generation scale of 1,000 watts and above, an installation fee of 1 yuan per watt will be awarded.
Temperature: A space buffer layer is formed between photovoltaic products and the roof, which can reduce the indoor temperature by 2-6 degrees in summer, and can also reduce indoor heat dissipation in winter, and play a role in thermal insulation.

Rooftop photovoltaic is a new type of power source with broad prospects, which has three advantages of permanence, cleanliness and flexibility. Due to its own environmental protection and energy saving characteristics and the support of external state subsidy policies, it deserves to become the trend of rural cities. Hope you don't miss this trend if you have a roof.