
What are the key points of solar tracking mount

Publish Time:2022-09-01 Sources:
According to data from Wood Mackenzie, a world-renowned power and renewable energy research institution, global solar tracker shipments will reach 54.5GW in 2021, with a year-on-year growth rate of 23%. Domestically, the market penetration rate of tracking solar mounts has always been lower than the international average. In 2020, the global ground power station tracking solar support application ratio will be around 50%, of which the market penetration rate in Europe and the United States is higher than 50%, while my country is only 18.7%.
tracking solar mounts
The main reasons for the low penetration rate and slow improvement of domestic tracking solar brackets are as follows:
First of all, the photovoltaic application market has insufficient awareness of tracking brackets. The early tracking stent technology is not mature and stable enough, and even related quality problems may occur.

Secondly, the cost of tracking solar brackets is high, and the yield of photovoltaics does not meet the expectations of power station investors. Fixed brackets have been widely used in photovoltaic power plants because of their low cost. After photovoltaics enter the era of parity, the yield of power plants is one of the important factors considered by investors. In addition, in some areas, there has always been a problem of power consumption of new energy power generation. Even if the installation of photovoltaic tracking brackets will bring more power generation, it will not be able to increase more revenue due to limited consumption.
With the continuous upgrading of the production technology of the leading enterprises of tracking brackets in recent years, the cost of construction has been continuously reduced while the product reliability has been improved. The proportion of applications has increased, and the market's recognition of tracking brackets has gradually increased. Especially since 2022, the construction of large domestic bases will be fully launched, and the proportion of ground-based photovoltaic projects is expected to increase. At this time, the price of industrial chain links remains high, and the price of components remains relatively high. Yield, tracking stent cost-effective immediately. Therefore, domestic tracking stents are expected to accelerate penetration, and even replace fixed stents in some projects.
With the increase of clean energy installed capacity, the newly installed capacity of photovoltaic power plants is expected to usher in a new high. According to industry forecasts, the global PV tracking bracket shipments will reach 110GW in 2025, and the market space will be close to 60 billion yuan. In the future, the increase in new installed capacity of photovoltaics will continue to drive the market demand for photovoltaic tracking brackets. Looking back on the global photovoltaic market in 2021, due to the impact of overseas epidemics and the high price of the photovoltaic industry chain, the demand for installed capacity has not been fully released. Against the background of the vigorous development of renewable energy and the intensification of the European energy crisis, according to TrendForce’s analysis , With the release of silicon material expansion capacity and the price drop in all links of the industrial chain, it is expected that the demand for new photovoltaic installations in 2022 will increase by 41.18% year-on-year, reaching 240GW, an increase of about 9% from the previous forecast of 220GW.
Tracking brackets is one of the important ways to reduce costs. The tracking bracket can be adjusted correspondingly with the change of the angle of sunlight irradiation during use, so as to maximize the power generation. The focus on the cost of electricity makes the owners pay more attention to the cost impact of the whole life cycle of the power station, and the tracking bracket is an important part of photovoltaic cost reduction. With the reduction of high-quality land resources, photovoltaic supports not only have to deal with increasingly "larger" photovoltaic modules, but also face more complex terrain environments, especially in mountains, deserts and other areas, while meeting the safety and reliability requirements of power stations. , the use of tracking brackets will further improve the yield of photovoltaic power plants.

Under the "dual carbon" goal, photovoltaics will start a ten-year boom cycle, driving the rapid growth of the demand for brackets. In order to achieve the zero-carbon goal, the pace of global energy transformation is accelerating. At present, more than 130 countries and regions around the world have announced carbon neutrality goals one after another, establishing an energy system dominated by renewable energy, and achieving green and sustainable development has become a global consensus. Under the background of increasing the proportion of renewable energy consumption in the world, the new wind and solar installations in the world will continue to grow rapidly. Every technical improvement and optimization of the key structure of the tracking bracket is a revolution for the safety of the bracket and the reduction of the cost of electricity for the photovoltaic power station.

For more information, please check solar mount website.