
Solar Tracking Mount System Meets Challenges

Publish Time:2022-08-30 Sources:
"After the photovoltaic industry is fully parity, the market potential of domestic solar tracking brackets is huge, at least compared with the level of overseas markets, there is still more room for development. It is expected that the market size of tracking brackets in 2021 will double on the basis of 2020."
solar tracking brackets
The reporter found that the interviewed industry insiders generally believed that the solar tracking bracket is a "heavy weapon" to increase the number of power generation hours and the power generation of the system. Although the global tracking bracket market is dominated by foreign-funded enterprises, with the continuous technological innovation of my country's leading enterprises, domestic "upgraded" solar tracking brackets will become more and more popular in the market
The domestic photovoltaic market has a low proportion
The solar mount system is called the "skeleton" of the photovoltaic power station by the industry insiders. It is a special structure designed and installed in the solar photovoltaic power generation system to support, fix and rotate the photovoltaic modules. According to whether it can track the rotation of the sun, it is divided into fixed brackets and tracking brackets. Fixed brackets have become the mainstream of the domestic photovoltaic industry due to their low price, good stability and low initial investment.
Looking at the world, the market share of tracking stents in the United States, Europe and other places exceeds 50%, while the market share of tracking stents in my country is about 10%. In the brand competition of the tracking stent market, there is also a pattern of "external strength and internal weakness". "A few years ago, the tracking stent market was almost monopolized by foreign companies." An industry insider told reporters bluntly.
It is understood that, unlike the market dominance in other segments of the photovoltaic industry, the competitiveness of Chinese companies in the solar tracking bracket segment is relatively weak. Among the top ten tracking stent companies in the world, only two are from China.
In fact, the factors that cause the "external strength and internal weakness" of the tracking stent market are that, from a market perspective, the application of tracking stents in the Chinese market accounts for a small proportion; from the brand point of view, the global voice of domestic tracking stent brands is relatively small, and enterprises occupy market share is naturally low. At present, the domestic tracking bracket is in the early stage of development, with a penetration rate of less than 10%, and is mainly used in demonstration and front-runner projects.
Many factors hinder the development of the solar energy industry
So, what factors hinder the development of my country's solar tracking bracket industry? Industry insiders generally believe that this is related to the background of the development of my country's photovoltaic industry. In view of the fact that photovoltaic companies are still in the "Warring States Period" of "attacking each other", it is naturally difficult for a "leader" to appear in the field of subdivided tracking brackets.
"For 'novices' entering the industry, if there are not enough solar tracking bracket projects to endorse, it will become an important factor restricting their sustainable development." The above-mentioned person said that as we all know, the reliability of solar brackets is to control costs and ensure benefits. Once the safety "disease" occurs, it will bring huge losses to the power station. Under the circumstance that the domestic market share of tracking brackets is low, power station owners will also tend to be cautious when choosing tracking brackets.
Another very important factor is that "my country's solar tracking bracket market has been in a disorderly development stage in the past few years, and many companies have expanded their solar bracket system business for a 'a piece of the pie'. Competition has damaged the healthy and sustainable development of the industry, which has directly led to the failure of tracking stent applications in China."
In addition, technical barriers and the scarcity of R&D technical talents also restrict the development of the industry. Solar tracking brackets have been criticized for high cost and lack of technical content, but in fact, photovoltaic brackets are technology-intensive industries, with high technical barriers in the overall scheme design, mechanical structure design, production process, tracking control and other aspects. "For example, in terms of tracking control technology, it is necessary to continuously optimize the tracking control algorithm, develop new tracking control technology, and improve the automation and intelligence level of photovoltaic power plants." A relevant person in charge of a bracket company told reporters.
The industry calls for the establishment of a stable ecosystem
According to industry insiders, although various factors hinder the penetration rate of solar tracking brackets in the domestic market, with the increase in the difficulty of improving the conversion efficiency of battery modules and the reduction of flat and low-cost sites, photovoltaic tracking brackets are becoming more and more cost-reducing One of the ways to increase efficiency.
The new research of Haitong Securities believes that after entering parity, power station operators walk on two legs, reducing initial investment costs and generating more power to increase income. There are two main ways to increase power generation: one is to improve the power generation efficiency of components, and the other is to apply tracking brackets.
Research data predicts that the solar tracking bracket market has a great prospect. It is expected that the domestic market penetration rate of tracking stents will reach 30% in 2022, and will increase to more than 50% in the future. In 2023, domestic demand for tracking brackets will increase from about 3GW in 2020 to 11GW, and overseas demand for tracking brackets will increase from 28GW in 2020 to 58GW.
Industry insiders believe that in the future parity market, the tracking bracket can no longer rely on the traditional "price war", but must be standardized, orderly, and technologically forward-looking. "We call on the industry and friends to improve industry standards, establish a relatively positive and stable ecosystem, and jointly promote the development of the tracking stent industry."