
How to match the selection of solar mount system

Publish Time:2022-09-28 Sources:
The construction site environment of the project is different, and the selection requirements of the solar mounting system are naturally different. As new energy land becomes more and more tense, with the development of photovoltaic power generation technology, the land for photovoltaic power plants is also moving towards sloping land, sandy land and even the ocean, posing new challenges to the selection of solar mounting systems. So, what factors should be considered in the selection of solar mounting systems? What new features are there in the promotion and application of new technologies such as tracking brackets and flexible brackets?
solar mounting system
Comprehensive geographical conditions, power outages,
Bidding rules for optimization
In the process of bracket selection, factors such as topography, geological conditions, and land area should be fully considered. For example, the flat uniaxial bracket has certain requirements on the slope of the terrain. In areas with a slope greater than 10 degrees, it is usually not suitable to install the flat uniaxial bracket. In this regard, the fixed bracket has a wider range of applications. For another example, if an adjustable bracket is used, the location of the power station should also be considered, whether it is easy for operation and maintenance personnel to reach it, and whether it is convenient for subsequent adjustment operations. When conditions permit, it is recommended to use advanced technologies such as fixed adjustable, horizontal single-axis tracking, and elevation-adjustable dual-axis tracking to increase power generation.

In addition to the objective natural conditions, various factors such as taxes and fees, environmental protection requirements and power curtailment of the power station are also important indicators to be considered in the comprehensive selection process. In many cases, the increase in power generation does not necessarily increase the comprehensive income. According to the actual situation, whether the power station is facing the problem of power curtailment, the ratio of power curtailment, the implementation of guaranteed purchase hours, etc. should be taken into consideration, and the investment return and economy of the bracket products should be comprehensively calculated. In addition, it should be considered according to the actual situation of different projects. The specific bidding and optimization rules also greatly affect the stent selection. In the previous photovoltaic leading base projects, the higher the system efficiency, the lower the electricity price, and the higher the bidding score. At this time, it is necessary to seek a balance between price and power generation, so as to select the appropriate bracket.

Tracking solar bracket market expansion
Technical details still need to be optimized and upgraded
From the perspective of improving power generation, compared with the traditional fixed bracket, the tracking bracket can make the photovoltaic modules face the best angle of sunlight exposure through real-time adjustment, thereby improving the power generation efficiency. The reporter learned that at present, with the continuous advancement of the construction of the domestic scenery base, the market demand for tracking brackets has also begun to expand. In the early years, the failure rate of the tracking bracket was indeed relatively high, and due to technical reasons, there were not many terrains suitable for it. From a global perspective, shipments of tracking brackets have exceeded 51 million kilowatts last year, a year-on-year increase of about 12%. It is estimated that from 2022 to 2030, the market demand for solar tracking brackets will exceed 660 million kilowatts. Although my country's acceptance of tracking brackets is relatively low, my country is still the largest tracking bracket installation market in Asia in terms of total volume.
As the market scale continues to expand, the tracking stent still needs technical optimization and innovation in many aspects. For example, on some mountains and slopes, the universal joint of the main shaft is one of the more common points of failure, and this is where efforts need to be made in terms of technical upgrades. In addition, the compatibility of large-format components and the optimized design of double-sided components are all problems that need to be solved in the follow-up development of tracking brackets.

Flexible solar mount for complex terrain
Standard specifications to be improved
Benefiting from the terrain conditions of desert, Gobi, and desert, the requirements for installation slope and operating environment under the components are not strict during the bracket selection process of the large base project. However, in the southwestern mountainous areas and the central and eastern regions where the large base model cannot be implemented, it is more urgent to adapt to the complex and diverse terrain. The biggest feature of the flexible support is that it has a large span, high headroom, and sufficient space under the module, which is conducive to the development of 'photovoltaic +' projects. "The flexible bracket can span complex terrain, and is very suitable for photovoltaic installations in fish ponds, complex hillsides, sewage plants, tidal flats, canals and other places.
However, limited by technical characteristics, there are also challenges in the practical application of flexible stents. In view of the meteorological conditions that the power station may face, due to the small stiffness of the flexible components, the most critical issue is to suppress wind vibration. In this regard, necessary wind resistance measures such as adding ground anchors and wind-resistant cable trusses need to be taken. In the design process, wind tunnel experiments are often used to verify the stability of the structural system. In terms of design, the structural analysis of flexible supports is relatively complex, with many influencing factors, and there are currently no relevant national design codes and technical standards. These are the problems that need to be solved in the future development of flexible stents.