
Analysis of construction points and difficulties of mountain solar energy projects

Publish Time:2022-09-20 Sources:
In recent years, as the construction cost of solar energy projects is getting lower and lower, many companies have increased the development of competitive or even affordable solar energy projects, and mountain solar energy projects have started a new round of development boom. Mountain solar projects have the characteristics of large installed capacity, large terrain fluctuations, difficult construction, and complicated procedures for forest land. The author briefly discusses and communicates some issues that are easily overlooked in the construction process of mountain solar energy projects but have a great impact on progress, power generation efficiency, land area, project cost and later operation and maintenance.
Solar mount system
1. Material transportation
Most of the access roads for mountain solar projects are newly built winding roads, with steep slopes, sharp bends and poor road conditions, which are not conducive to the direct transportation of large vehicles. If the access roads are widened, the cost will be high, and most equipment and materials are small and medium-sized. Truck transfer. The orientation and inclination angle of the components of the mountain solar project need to be considered, resulting in very limited resources for the layout of the components in the field, and considering factors such as soil and water conservation, the damage to the surface vegetation is minimized, and there are few maintenance channels in the solar field, generally only It can reach the box change, so that the main materials such as brackets and components are manually transported, which is very difficult.

2. Solar support foundation construction
Mountain solar energy generally has undulating ground and large terrain drop. At present, the common mountain solar support foundations in China are prefabricated piles and cast-in-place piles. In some areas, large-scale construction machinery cannot perform construction operations, and it needs to rely on manual hand-held machinery for operation, which is difficult to construct. The pile head of the prefabricated pile should be equipped with a steel pile cap, and the cast-in-place pile is mostly used from a mixing station.

3. Solar mount system and component installation
The installation of solar brackets and modules is related to the overall aesthetics and power generation efficiency of the power station. Due to the influence of terrain, the construction difficulty of mountain solar projects is much greater than that of brackets and modules in plain areas. Mountain solar projects need to ensure the smoothness of the entire site according to the direction of the mountain, reduce the height difference between the strings, and avoid shadows. In the process of component handling and installation, supervision needs to be strengthened, and mechanical stress, hoisting, and stepping are strictly prohibited to avoid cracking and damage to the components.

4. Drainage layout of the site
Due to the undulating terrain, there will be some natural gullies in the mountain solar project site. During the construction process, the construction of roads and solar arrays will have a greater impact on rainwater confluence and natural infiltration. Erosion of support foundations, cable trenches, etc. Therefore, the drainage of mountain solar projects should be fully formed by natural gullies and on-site road drainage ditches to form a comprehensive drainage system, focusing on dredging and drainage.

5 Conclusion

The main points and difficulties in the construction process of the mountain solar project are mainly reflected in the above four aspects. Therefore, in the early stage of the project, targeted strategies should be put forward to prevent and reduce the difficulty of implementation; Communicate and communicate, put forward targeted technical solutions, effectively solve problems in construction, and ensure that solar energy projects are completed on schedule.

For more information, please check solar mount website.