
Design principle of solar carport bracket

Publish Time:2022-09-06 Sources:

With the country's promotion of green energy, solar carports mount are increasingly used in real life. Solar carports, a simple and easy way to combine photovoltaics with buildings, are systems that combine photovoltaic power generation with carports. It can not only solve the problem of high temperature in the car in the summer of the open-air parking lot, but also use the solar energy to create clean photovoltaic energy. There are almost no geographical restrictions on the construction of this system, which is very flexible and convenient, and can comprehensively utilize space resources to develop green new energy. As long as there is enough space, the solar carport can not only realize the benefits of green energy power generation, but also meet all the functions of the conventional carport. With the development of different application technologies, the solar carport can be used with charging piles to charge electric vehicles and electric bicycles. Charging will become more and more mature, so that people can truly enjoy the convenience brought by green energy to life.

solar carports mount

Below, we will provide you with some common solar carport cases and structural design processes for daily applications.
1. Points for attention in solar carport design
(1) The minimum height of the carport is generally not less than 2.2m;
(2) In the design, the load shall be valued in accordance with the relevant specifications such as "Code for Loading of Building Structure" and "Code for Design of Photovoltaic Support Structure";
(3) Consider the appropriate column span, and delineate appropriate parking spaces between each span;
(4) On-site support installation should be bolted as much as possible to reduce on-site welding, drilling or other on-site fabrication;
(5) Guaranteed quality for 25 years, and steel structure supports take anti-corrosion measures in accordance with relevant specifications;
(6) The underground geological composition and composition of the plant area;
(7) Select the appropriate inverter and cable path.

2. The composition of the solar carport
The solar carport is mainly composed of the foundation foundation system, the upper solar mount system, the photovoltaic module array, the control inverter system, the charging device system and the lightning protection and grounding system.
The foundation foundation system can be divided into pile foundation, strip foundation and independent foundation;
The solar carport bracket system mainly includes support columns, inclined beams fixed between the support columns, purlins connected to the inclined beams to support the photovoltaic module array, relevant fasteners for fixing photovoltaic modules, and other diagonal braces, braces, etc. Affiliated Facilities. There are various types of solar carport brackets, and the conventional ones can be divided into single-column one-way, double-column one-way, single-column two-way and other types.

3. Conclusion

 After the solar carport is completed, it can not only shield the vehicle from wind and rain, but also use solar energy to create clean photovoltaic energy to charge the electric vehicle and integrate it into the power grid. The solar carport has almost no geographical restrictions and is very flexible and convenient to use. And after the completion, the overall aesthetics of the environment will be greatly improved, which not only beautifies the environment but also saves resources, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone. Under the circumstance of increasingly tight oil resources and increasingly serious global warming, vigorously developing green energy and reducing the consumption of fossil fuels can reduce carbon emissions accordingly, realize the country's dual carbon goals as soon as possible, and contribute to the increasingly severe global climate. some power.