
Opportunities and Challenges for Solar Tracking Mounts

Publish Time:2022-09-05 Sources:
Q: Solar mount system is a technology-intensive industry. It has high technical barriers in the overall scheme design, mechanical structure design, production process, tracking control and other links. What advantages does Grace Solar have compared with its friends in the industry?
A: The first is safety, which is not only the pursuit of the industry, but also the "foundation" of Grace Solar's new energy enterprise. Grace Solar focuses on "safety" from design and development, supplier selection, and in all aspects of production and processing. Deeply implemented in our entire enterprise. Tracking brackets belong to engineering application products, which are characterized by large quantities and relatively uniform specifications. Any small problem with such products will bring bulk losses to enterprises and customers. In line with the attitude of being responsible to the customer, any untested product will never be used in the project.
The second is product development. For every product launched by Grace Solar, any improvement is tested and verified many times. Only qualified and excellent products will be applied to our projects and recommended to our customers.
The other is supplier inspection. In the selection of suppliers, we still take product safety as the premise. We have maintained friendly partnerships with many suppliers, and we are also actively expanding new channels.
solar tracking mount
Q: According to industry insiders, although various factors hinder the penetration rate of solar tracking mount in the domestic market, with the increase in the difficulty of improving the conversion efficiency of battery modules and the reduction of flat and low-cost sites, photovoltaic tracking brackets are becoming more and more important. One of the ways to increase efficiency, what kind of layout will Grace Solar have in China?
Answer: The contribution of the tracking bracket to the power generation of the photovoltaic power station is actually very obvious, and it has an incomparable advantage to the fixed bracket for the yield of the power station. In my opinion, the main reasons for the low market share of the tracking bracket are the following: First, the price: the price of the tracking bracket has always been higher than that of the traditional bracket; "Safety concerns" are excluded from the project plan by industry customers, especially the wind-induced resonance problem, which seriously affects the safe and stable operation of the entire life cycle of the power station. These two reasons have been restricting the development of tracking stents. For the second point, Grace Solar has been discussing research and development in recent years, and has its own exclusive brake product solutions.
With the development of China's photovoltaic industry, the technology and process are gradually standardized and perfected, and the solar tracking mount has gradually become the first choice for improving the efficiency of the power station. In addition, with the development of module technology, double-sided photovoltaic modules are gradually put into the installation market, and the tracking bracket can fully cooperate with the product advantages of the power generation of double-sided modules and maximize its value.
In addition, with the reduction of leveled land, the newly added photovoltaic power station projects face more complex terrain and weather, which requires us to apply big data, AI and other technologies to our tracking brackets to bring more benefits to customers for different projects. High power generation to ensure the stable income of photovoltaic power plants.
Entering the photovoltaic "parity era", customers pay more and more attention to the profitability of photovoltaic power plants, and the market share of tracking brackets in the bracket market is also increasing, which is a huge opportunity for the entire tracking bracket industry. We, Grace Solar Neng, only need to repair our internal strength and make good products. We believe that customers and the market will give Grace Solar a good report card.

Q: This year, raw materials are facing a series of price increases. Will it affect Grace Solar? What are the countermeasures?
A: First of all, the stent industry itself is a high-consumer industry, which has a large demand for steel and other raw materials, and is also very sensitive to steel price fluctuations. When making solutions for customers, Grace Solar also helps customers save costs as much as possible, and introduces lightweight and steel-reduced bracket solutions. Of course, the application of any new material and the new structure scheme must go through many experiments and certification. Grace Solar will not provide customers with unverified products for price reasons. Secondly, this increase in raw material prices actually forced us to accelerate the pace of research on new materials, new processes, and new structures. I think this material price increase is only temporary, and I believe that the raw materials will soon return to a reasonable price range.

Q: The photovoltaic industry has been emphasizing "cost reduction and efficiency improvement" for a long time. What successful technical measures do you think our Grace Solar can take to help the photovoltaic industry achieve "cost reduction and efficiency improvement"?
A: In terms of materials, in the past two years, we have begun to use magnesium-aluminum-zinc plated materials to replace hot-dip galvanized materials. Magnesium-aluminum-zinc materials have performed well in terms of production cycle and price cost, and have also received customer support in project applications. Approved. In addition, our self-developed "brake" is applied to the photovoltaic support, which can make the support more stable, ensure the safety of the power station, and reduce the consumption of steel to a certain extent.
In fact, "reducing costs and improving efficiency" is the goal that any industry and any company must constantly pursue, and continuous R&D investment is one of the best ways to help companies and industries to "reduce costs and improve efficiency". The results of cost reduction and efficiency improvement are relatively lagging behind and the performance is not obvious, but from the perspective of enterprise development, enterprises will definitely benefit from it in the future.

Q: Regarding the current situation at home and abroad, where do you think the opportunities for our Grace Solar are? What challenges will they face?
A: At present, domestic and foreign environmental protection requirements, energy conservation and emission reduction requirements are very big opportunities for the development of photovoltaic-based new energy. According to data, by 2024, there will be 150GW of photovoltaic power station brackets in the world from tracking brackets. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the proportion of clean energy in primary energy will reach 20%-25%, the installed photovoltaic capacity will reach 350GW, and the market share of tracking brackets will reach about 25%. Therefore, Grace Solar is very We are optimistic about the market prospects of photovoltaic tracking brackets in the next few years.
Grace Solar will base itself on the Chinese market, develop the international market, and create a business card for Chinese photovoltaic brackets. Since its establishment in 2009, Grace Solar has gone through 12 years, and its products have served more than 100 countries and regions. Some overseas tracker manufacturers are actually OEM products in China. Therefore, our Chinese companies have the ability to manufacture first-class photovoltaic mounting products for global customers. We also believe that there will be more excellent companies going abroad to participate in the global market competition. We also hope that with the efforts of our peers, our photovoltaic brackets will be made into a "Chinese business card" like China's high-speed rail.

There are also challenges in overseas markets. Emerging developing countries mainly focus on the initial investment cost of photovoltaic power plants, while some developed countries in Europe and the United States pay more attention to the safety of power plants, brand quality, as well as operation and maintenance costs, labor costs, etc. This is also the current direction of Grace Solar Neng: improve safety performance, reduce operation and maintenance costs, improve brand image, and at the same time for product certification in different countries, customer needs still require us to continue to cultivate, make products refined and meticulous, and provide customers with the best Continuous efforts to optimize the plan.

For more information, please check solar mount website.