
Comparison of advantages and disadvantages of various solar agricultural greenhouses

Publish Time:2022-10-12 Sources:
The agricultural photovoltaic greenhouse project is a comprehensive system project that uses the roof of the agricultural greenhouse for solar power generation and develops high-efficiency ecological agriculture in the greenhouse. The high-efficiency ecological solar agricultural greenhouse project does not occupy additional cultivated land, and realizes the appreciation of the original land. The agricultural photovoltaic project combines ecological agriculture and green power generation to maximize the use of resources. While obtaining the economic benefits of high-efficiency agriculture and green power generation, energy saving and emission reduction are realized. social benefits. Solar agricultural technology greenhouse is a new mode of distributed photovoltaic application, which has many advantages. This paper selects the representative categories and makes a comparison.
agricultural photovoltaic greenhouse
The first type of photovoltaic greenhouse
The first type of photovoltaic greenhouses, photovoltaic modules are laid on the roof of closed agricultural greenhouses, which is the most closely integrated form of agriculture and photovoltaics.
1) It saves land resources and solves the contradiction between photovoltaic power generation and planting industry to a large extent. Solar energy agricultural greenhouses use the roof of agricultural greenhouses to generate electricity, do not occupy land, nor change the nature of land use, so it can save land resources.
2) The indoor space area of the greenhouse is relatively large, which can effectively use the land and reduce the waste of land. Compared with single-building solar greenhouses, this type of greenhouse has relatively larger indoor space and higher land utilization rate. The waste of land caused by the spacing between single-building greenhouses can be effectively overcome in this type of greenhouse.
3) This type of greenhouse can form a large-span steel structure according to agricultural needs, and the space inside is large, which can form mechanized operations, and even form sightseeing solar agriculture.
4) It can improve the degree of agricultural automation. Such greenhouses can be equipped with auxiliary facilities: such as internal shading and thermal insulation systems, heating and temperature supplementation systems, ventilation and cooling systems, intelligently controlled air humidification systems, drip irrigation systems, etc., to form automated greenhouse agriculture.
5) It can save manual labor, because the greenhouse can be mechanized and mainly automated, so that there is relatively less manual labor and labor costs are reduced.
1) The photovoltaic modules of this type of photovoltaic greenhouse are arranged on the roof of the agricultural greenhouse. There is a phenomenon of competition between photovoltaic power generation and plant growth. The design needs to consider the needs of both aspects. This type of greenhouse is not suitable for the planting of light-loving plants.
2) The construction cost is very high and the payback period is long, which is not suitable for small-scale family operations. This type of greenhouse basically adopts the design of steel structure greenhouse. This type of greenhouse uses a large amount of steel and the construction cost is relatively high, so it is suitable for large-scale agricultural lighting projects.
3) Single plant area. Without the partition walls, the greenhouse would be a single growing area, limiting the possibility of growing multiple plants at the same time.
4) There may be areas of uneven heating and cooling. The greenhouse area is large, and the ventilation dead angle is prone to occur, especially when the circulating fan is not used, this phenomenon is more obvious.

▶ The second type of photovoltaic greenhouse
The second type of photovoltaic greenhouses, photovoltaic modules are not directly laid on the greenhouse, but separate solar mount system are erected behind or in the middle of the greenhouse. It can be said to be an additional photovoltaic greenhouse. It is characterized by a low degree of integration between agriculture and photovoltaics, but Agriculture and photovoltaics do not affect each other, and can fully ensure the best play of their respective functions of greenhouse agriculture and photovoltaic power generation.
1) The structure of photovoltaic and agricultural greenhouses is relatively independent, and the mutual influence between photovoltaic modules and crops is small, and there is less competition for glory.
2) The construction and installation are relatively simple. The agricultural greenhouse and photovoltaic support of this type of greenhouse can be designed separately, and the installation and disassembly of the agricultural greenhouse and photovoltaic support are relatively independent and simple.
3) The cost is low, the amount of steel used is less, and the structure is simple. Compared with the first category of such photovoltaic greenhouses, agricultural greenhouses and photovoltaic supports are relatively simple in structure, relatively small in steel consumption, less application of automation equipment, and relatively low cost.
4) Good lighting and thermal insulation performance. Compared with the third type of open greenhouses, this type of greenhouse is a closed type greenhouse, which can have certain thermal insulation performance and obvious energy saving effect.
1) Poor safety and disaster resistance, such agricultural greenhouses are relatively simple in structure, relatively poor in wind resistance, and relatively low in safety performance.
2) There are many columns in the greenhouse and the span is relatively small, which is not conducive to agricultural mechanization operations.
3) The degree of agricultural automation is low. The indoor area of this type of greenhouse is relatively small and the floor height is low, which is not conducive to mechanized operation, and automated agricultural facilities are rarely used.
4) The labor intensity is relatively large and the labor cost is high. Because of the limited mechanization and automation, agricultural planting is mainly carried out by manpower, which is relatively more labor-intensive and labor costs are high.

▶ The third type of photovoltaic greenhouse
The third type of photovoltaic greenhouses are open greenhouses, which can also be said to be special ground photovoltaic brackets. It is characterized by the use of higher photovoltaic brackets, photovoltaic modules on the top, and crops below. Combined type of solar agriculture.
1) Photovoltaic power generation can be achieved by only occupying a small amount of agricultural land (support foundation). Compared with ground photovoltaics, there is no need to acquire a large area of land, and crops can still be planted below, saving land resources.
2) Compared with the above two types of greenhouses, the construction cost of this type of greenhouse is lower, only the cost of photovoltaic brackets, and the agricultural part does not need to build a separate greenhouse. Compared with the ground solar mount, the cost of the support is slightly higher.
3) Because the photovoltaic support is relatively high off the ground, the operation requirements of agricultural mechanization can still be met under the ground, reducing manual labor operations and saving labor costs.
4) The construction and installation of the greenhouse is relatively simple. This type of greenhouse only needs to be installed according to the installation method of the ground photovoltaic bracket. The installation is convenient, the construction speed is fast, and the construction period is short.
1) The photovoltaic modules of this type of photovoltaic greenhouse are arranged on the agricultural function. The shadow of photovoltaic supports and components has a certain impact on the growth of crops, and there is a certain glory phenomenon between photovoltaic power generation and plant growth.
2) The greenhouse is an open greenhouse. The planting of crops is greatly affected by the local environment and temperature, and the planting is relatively extensive, which cannot form refined, large-scale and automated agricultural production.
3) The cost of component cleaning and replacement is high. The photovoltaic support is higher from the ground, which is not conducive to the maintenance and cleaning of photovoltaic modules. Compared with ground photovoltaics, it is more difficult to clean and replace components manually. Cleaning can be done by intelligent robots, which is relatively expensive.