
What are the core barriers of enterprises in the solar mounting industry?

Publish Time:2022-09-30 Sources:
With the significant increase in the number of solar photovoltaics deployed globally in recent years, technological progress has also led to a rapid decline in the cost of photovoltaic power generation. The solar bracket is located in the middle reaches of the photovoltaic industry chain. As the "skeleton" of the photovoltaic power station, it undertakes the installation and fixation of the entire solar panel. According to industry regulations, the photovoltaic power generation system needs to work in various external harsh environments for 25 years and withstand the test of various harsh environments. The core of structural stability is the solar mount system. With the increasing competition of domestic solar mounting companies, what are the core barriers of solar mounting companies in the competition?
solar mount system
From the manufacturing point of view, solar brackets are mainly divided into fixed brackets and tracking brackets, and the materials are divided into steel and aluminum alloys. At present, the mainstream in China is steel. Among them, the role of galvanizing is mainly to prevent corrosion. The manufacturing process of the tracking bracket is relatively more complicated. On the basis of the fixed bracket, two new components, the electric control box and the drive system, are added. However, it is understood that for most domestic bracket manufacturers, the processing of the above two components Manufacturing is also mainly outsourced.

Among them, raw materials, external galvanizing and transportation costs account for 95% of the total cost, and manufacturing costs account for 3.2%. It can be seen that the focus on the manufacturing side is still on the processing and assembly of steel galvanizing, and no high technical barriers have been formed, which also makes the current The stent industry is facing serious homogenization. On the one hand, price competition occurs frequently, and on the other hand, it will inevitably deepen the "involution" in other aspects. The following points are the places where companies compete to exert their strength. Through continuous accumulation, they can establish certain advantages in the industry:

First, since the solar bracket is a non-standard customized product, in the early stage of the project, the bracket company needs to investigate the local irradiation, latitude and longitude, climate, topography, climate and environment, etc., and design appropriate technical routes, product solutions, and power station arrangements. Methods and other overall plans to form a customized design plan adapted to the project location. If the bracket company has rich professional customized design experience, it can not only improve the life and stability of the photovoltaic power station, but also reduce costs and increase efficiency, and improve the investment income of the power station.

Second, in order to cope with the increasingly serious homogenization trend, leading companies with capital and R&D advantages often increase their R&D investment and apply for patents first.

Third, since the construction of photovoltaic power plants requires a lot of capital, a large amount of start-up capital in the early stage often needs to be obtained from banks and other lending institutions through mortgage loans, and the collateral is the photovoltaic power station. Therefore, lending institutions usually hire professional third-party technical institutions to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the main equipment of photovoltaic power plants and their suppliers, and solar brackets are also one of the equipment that needs to be evaluated. In order for stent companies to pass the bankability assessment, stent suppliers need to hire a professional third-party technology company to issue a bankability report in advance. Therefore, the bankability also creates a certain advantage for the enterprise to a certain extent.

Therefore, in general, it is difficult for solar mount companies to form obvious technical advantages on the manufacturing side, but the continuous accumulation of the above three aspects can still build a certain moat for the company in the industry. In addition, according to statistics from different institutions, the power generation gain of tracking brackets can reach 8%-30% compared with fixed brackets. The global tracking solar mount penetration rate has reached 50%, while the penetration rate of tracking brackets in my country is still around 15%. Therefore, in the future As the penetration rate of the tracking bracket increases, its core electric control box, drive system and customized design will become one of the focuses of the enterprise, or bring certain technical advantages to the enterprise.